Marble and other calcium-based natural stones are sometimes sold as granite. Here’s how to avoid etch damage and stains associated with stone misidentification.
Year: 2019

Pet Urine and Carpeting - What You Need To Know!
Pet odor is a very common problem in many homes throughout SW Florida. At Tru-Clean Surface Care, we can help you deal with pet challenges. From minor problems to major…

Carpet Care Resources
In addition to our own free, downloadable Carpet and Interior Textiles Care Guide and regular Tips and Articles, learn about other resources we recommend.

Treating Pet Urine In Carpeting Throughout SW Florida
Animal urine is a rather benign substance. When it leaves a healthy animal, it is sterile. In small amounts and low concentration, the odor and appearance may be undetectable. Still,…

The Difference Between REAL Leather Furniture and PU Leather
Recently, we’ve seen the market flooded with so-called “leather” furniture with “too-good-to-be-true-pricing. Upon closer examination, we discovered that furniture manufacturers, in their quest to meet the markets leather demands, have…

Protect Your Loved Ones with Slip-Resistant Flooring in SW Florida
Slip Resistant Flooring in SW Florida Protect Your Loved Ones with Slip-Resistant Flooring According to the National Council on Aging and the National Safety Council Slip and fall accidents account…

Stone Surface Crack or Fissure? What's the Difference?
Sometimes these “cracks” in natural stone countertops are not cracks at all, but fissures, something that resembles a crack. Read more to learn the difference.