
Stone, Tile, Carpet Care Tips

As a courtesy to our customers, we offer tips and articles that address your problems or concerns and answer questions you might have about day-to-day maintenance for your floors and surfaces. Please visit often, because we periodically post new information that you will find very valuable.

Specialized Spot Extraction Technique On average, Tru Clean cleans close to 80 homes per week, and the first thing our technicians ask the client is “are there any spots that are bothering you or seem to come back after you’ve...

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EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN UPHOLSTERY AND LEATHER FURNISHINGS Tru Clean provides an intensive upholstery and leather cleaning service to refresh and fully revitalize upholstery and leather furnishings throughout Lee, Collier and Charlotte County. Utilizing the latest developments in the field of on-location...

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Everyone wants a great bargain. The rise of online shopping and price comparison websites means that we all get to enjoy the best deals on favorite products, and can secure the lowest prices on our favorite brands with a few...

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Are you “nose blind” to offensive odors in your home? It is not just food, cigarette, and stale odors that turn guests and potential buyers off when visiting your home.  Pet dander and urine off-gassing are offensive to many people,...

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