Fresh and clean carpets begin with Tru-Clean Surface Care. Do you want NO sticky residue that attracts soil? Do you want your stains removed and not return? Do you want…
Tag: carpet cleaning fort myers

Choosing A Carpet Cleaning Company In Fort Myers
Since opening our doors Tru-Clean Surface Care has had one thought in mind, to give our customers every reason to invite us back again. Our goal is your absolute delight,…

Why Do Presidents Pardon Turkeys At Thanksgiving?
Now’s the time to schedule your carpet, tile, or upholstery cleaning for Thanksgiving guests. While nearly 50 million turkeys will end up on our dinner tables this Thursday, for two…

Carpet Cleaning Cape Coral | Fort Myers
Let’s face it; it’s tough to get excited about the need to clean your carpets. At Tru-Clean Surface Care we understand how you feel so we try our best to…

Carpet Cleaning Coupons In Cape Coral? Buyer Beware.
Ever had one of those days? You need to have your carpets or tile cleaned and by most standards, a relatively simple project for a cleaning professional. You dig through…

Hiring A Carpet Cleaning Company In Fort Myers | Cape Coral
Carpet, tile, and upholstery cleaning companies are as diverse in their offerings and quality of service as are comparing McDonald’s to Ruth Chris Steak House. In fact, some would argue,…

How To Avoid “Traffic Lanes” In Your Carpeting
Have you ever had your carpets cleaned and the carpet didn’t look as good as you had hoped in the high traffic areas? This could be because your carpet cleaner…