Oriental and Persian Area Rug Cleaning Naples FL

Tru-Clean Surface Care is owned by Oriental Rug Salon and all area rugs are cleaned at our sister company, Oriental Rug Salon, by hand under the watchful eye of a certified rug master.

Oriental, Persian, Turkish, wool and silk area rugs are beautiful and designed to last many lifetimes as long as they are professionally cleaned and groomed every 2-4 years.  As specialists in area rug cleaning, Tru-Clean Surface Care is proud to be the “cleaner of choice” by many clients, interior designers, floor covering specialists and even other carpet cleaning company’s when it comes to cleaning and maintaining fine wool and Oriental rugs.

When it’s time to have your area rug cleaned NEVER allow a carpet cleaning company to “wand” your rug at your home.  We’ve seen dozens of instances where carpet cleaners have used truck-mounted equipment or heat and scrubbed a wool rug in a client’s home and the end results were devastating.  Color bleeding, torn fringes, yarn separation, shrinkage, and warping are just a few of the problems you can expect from this type of cleaning.  Fine rugs were meant to be bathed NOT SCRUBBED!

Since the invention of Oriental, wool and silk rugs the most recommended method for cleaning these natural fiber textiles is a full-immersion wet wash. Essentially, rugs need a really good “bath” to remove dirt, grit, bacteria and other contaminants from the surface and within the base of the rug’s fibers.

At Tru-Clean Surface Care we simply take the Old World washing ways and bring them up to date for both antique and contemporary rugs and textiles. By cleaning rugs in-house we are able to address concerns that vary depending on fiber type, dye strength, and rug construction.

Rugs, properly cared for, will outlive us many times over. We are a part of its life more than it being a part of ours. So our steps always take that into account – the welfare of the rug, and the cleanliness of it when returned to an owner’s home.

These are the steps taken with every rug that comes through our doors to ensure the right care for each textile to give you the most thorough cleaning process possible, while also providing the safest process for the rug itself.

  • Each rug is inspected for any pre-existing conditions. Many times, soil covers up dye lot variations (abrash), fiber staining, prior dye bleeding, worn areas or white knots that become “uncovered” after the wash. Some of these are weaving characteristics (abrash and white knots), and others are damage that can possibly be repaired.
  • After a thorough inspection, the rug is “dusted” using specialized techniques to remove hidden dirt and other particulates.
  • The dyes of your rug are tested for colorfastness. If the dyes are not colorfast, then the rug is bathed in a special solution to stabilize the dyes during the wash process.
  • Once the rug has been inspected, dusted and tested for colorfastness we then spot treat any areas of concern (such as spills and pet urine) and then submerge the rug in a bath using very specific cleaning solutions designed for that particular rug.
  • Fringe tassels are hand scrubbed during the wash process, and additionally when needed. The rug after being thoroughly dried (we have moisture sensors that tell us when it is 100% dry) is then given a final grooming with a horsehair brush and then rolled and ready to go home.

Tru-Clean Surface Care is a family-owned environmentally responsible carpet, tile and upholstery cleaning company serving all of Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Lee, Collier and Charlotte County.  Our technicians are certified by the world’s most respected certification body for textile professionals and all cleaning efforts are in strict adherence with manufacturer and industry guidelines.

Don’t trust your Oriental or wool rug cleaning to just anybody and NEVER let someone clean your valuable rugs in your home or driveway.  Your rugs deserve better.

For more information on our services please visit us online at www.trucleansurfacecare.com or “call us on the carpet” anytime at 239-541-4888 – Lee County, 239-206-1935 – Bonita Springs, Naples, –and Marco Island, or 941-621-2198 – Punta Gorda and Port Charlotte.

You can also visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/TruCleanSurfaceCareFL/ or our rug cleaning plant at https://www.facebook.com/OrientalRugSalon/

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